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The Will of God | God's Direction For Your Life

The Will of God | God's Direction For Your Life

Todd Aaron speaks on what is God's calling for me? What is God's Purpose for me? When should I move and when should I stay? Where should I go and what should I do? When do I know if it's from God, myself, or the devil? How can I discern the holy spirit from a deceiving spirit? How can I be sure of God's will for my life? How can I get rid of confusion regarding God's direction for my life? What should I do right now and in the days ahead? Should I stay or should I go? Am I following God's direction? How do I know if someone is speaking from God, or from the devil? How can I be sure this is God's direction right now? What about his direction in the future? How can I be sure that I am in his plan for my life? Rather listen to sermons on the go? Spotify: iTunes: Google: Todd Aaron November 20, 2021 11/21/21 ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ We also Thank You for being a part of our family, and we welcome you! You are welcome to visit us at You can check out our Facebook page and follow up with updates on all three social media accounts. Facebook at @oceanwaveministry Twitter at @oceanwavemin Instagram at @seeworldtruth & @oceanwaveministries You are also welcome to send checks or letters to 951 20th St Suite 8671, Denver, CO 80201 and E-Mail us at You may also give generously through PayPal at which will go directly to missions and supporting many efforts in spreading the gospel of Yeshua/ Jesus as well as helping the disadvantaged and supporting and encouraging women's Pro-Life. Thank You! #Godswill #direction #mypurpose
Am I Saved By Grace or By Commandment Keeping? | What 1 John, Hebrews, & Revelation Has To Say

Am I Saved By Grace or By Commandment Keeping? | What 1 John, Hebrews, & Revelation Has To Say

🔹What is not being spoken about salvation by grace? 🔹What is the distinction between works and grace? 🔹What did Paul really say? 🔹What are the 3 things God wants us to enjoy? 🔹What does Revelation have to do with this? 🔹What does Jesus/Yeshua say? 🔹What is not being spoken about Grace? 🔹Who is an Anti-Christ? 🔹What are the 3 marks of a believer in faith? 🔹Who has truly accepted the New Covenant? 🔹Why must we be born again? 🔹How can one be sure that they received the grace? 🔹How is God trying to perfect us? 🔹How can one be forgiven? 🔹How can one be certain where they will go when they die? 🔹What experience did we have in Bethel (Beit El, Israel?) 🔹Why is this video so important for our walk and faith? ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ We also Thank You for being a part of our family, and we welcome you! You are welcome to visit us at You can check out our Facebook page and follow up with updates on all three social media accounts. Facebook at @oceanwaveministry Twitter at @oceanwavemin Instagram at @seeworldtruth & @oceanwaveministries You are also welcome to send checks or letters to 951 20th St Suite 8671, Denver, CO 80201 and E-Mail us at You may also give generously through PayPal at which will go directly to missions and supporting many efforts in spreading the gospel of Yeshua/ Jesus as well as helping the disadvantaged and supporting and encouraging women's Pro-Life. Thank You! #Grace #Works #Salvation
Men of Another Sort | Don't Look Back

Men of Another Sort | Don't Look Back

Why does it appear that God uses other people more than others? How can one be used by God with purpose, power, and authority through him? Who does God set his face upon and use mightily for his purpose and glory? How can one be used by God? What is the secret to the anointing of God? Why is it important to not look back? What does it mean to look back and how can one be sure that they are not? Why did God use certain great men and women of God in the bible throughout the centuries and history? How can I be used by God in the same manner or even greater?' Rather listen to sermons on the go? Spotify: iTunes: Google: Todd Aaron November 13th, 2021 11/13/2021 ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ We also Thank You for being a part of our family, and we welcome you! You are welcome to visit us at You can check out our Facebook page and follow up with updates on all three social media accounts. Facebook at @oceanwaveministry Twitter at @oceanwavemin Instagram at @seeworldtruth & @oceanwaveministries You are also welcome to send checks or letters to 951 20th St Suite 8671, Denver, CO 80201 and E-Mail us at You may also give generously through PayPal at which will go directly to missions and supporting many efforts in spreading the gospel of Yeshua/ Jesus as well as helping the disadvantaged and supporting and encouraging women's Pro-Life. Thank You! #godspurpose #dontlookback #godspower
Accepted In Heaven Rejected On Earth

Accepted In Heaven Rejected On Earth

Who are the accepted on earth and in heaven? Who are the rejected on earth and in heaven? How can one be sure that they are accepted in heaven? Can you be accepted on earth and in heaven as well? If the gate is narrow, how can be sure that their names are written in heaven? With so much worry, affliction, doubt, suffering, fear, uncertainty, and confusion in the world and in the days ahead, how can be certain that they are accepted by God and not rejected? If one is rejected or accepted by men, how can one be sure that they are ready for heaven? Rather listen to sermons on the go? Spotify: iTunes: Google: October 30, 2021 10/30/2021 ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ We also Thank You for being a part of our family, and we welcome you! You are welcome to visit us at You can check out our Facebook page and follow up with updates on all three social media accounts. Facebook at @oceanwaveministry Twitter at @oceanwavemin Instagram at @seeworldtruth & @oceanwaveministries You are also welcome to send checks or letters to 951 20th St Suite 8671, Denver, CO 80201 and E-Mail us at You may also give generously through PayPal at which will go directly to missions and supporting many efforts in spreading the gospel of Yeshua/ Jesus as well as helping the disadvantaged and supporting and encouraging women's Pro-Life. Thank You! #Heaven #Earth #Afflicted
The Rise Before The Fall

The Rise Before The Fall

Todd Aaron speaks about the Rise Before The Fall physically as it is spiritually. What is coming upon the earth? Where are we at in the Bible? How can one be sure they remain safe and within the gates of God's kingdom? Will there really be a fall? What are the signs? What are the spiritual symptoms? How can one be sure that they are not caught off guard now and in the days ahead? What can we do right now? How can one rise above the fall? Rather listen to sermons on the go? Spotify: iTunes: Google: 10/23/2021 September 23, 2021 ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ We also Thank You for being a part of our family, and we welcome you! You are welcome to visit us at You can check out our Facebook page and follow up with updates on all three social media accounts. Facebook at @oceanwaveministry Twitter at @oceanwavemin Instagram at @seeworldtruth & @oceanwaveministries You are also welcome to send checks or letters to 951 20th St Suite 8671, Denver, CO 80201 and E-Mail us at You may also give generously through PayPal at which will go directly to missions and supporting many efforts in spreading the gospel of Yeshua/ Jesus as well as helping the disadvantaged and supporting and encouraging women's Pro-Life. Thank You! #collapse #supplychain #therise
Remain In Grace Beware of Bondage

Remain In Grace Beware of Bondage

Todd Aaron speaks about the importance of remaining in Grace and not legalism or bondage. Why is it so crucial to walk in grace rather than the flesh? How can one be sure that they are not going to far left or right? How can one be sure that they are walking in sincere truth and grace? What is bondage and what is truly grace? In these late hours we must know for certain that we know the answers to these questions. Rather listen to sermons on the go? Spotify: iTunes: Google: October 16, 2021 10/16/2021 ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ We also Thank You for being a part of our family, and we welcome you! You are welcome to visit us at You can check out our Facebook page and follow up with updates on all three social media accounts. Facebook at @oceanwaveministry Twitter at @oceanwavemin Instagram at @seeworldtruth & @oceanwaveministries You are also welcome to send checks or letters to 951 20th St Suite 8671, Denver, CO 80201 and E-Mail us at You may also give generously through PayPal at which will go directly to missions and supporting many efforts in spreading the gospel of Yeshua/ Jesus as well as helping the disadvantaged and supporting and encouraging women's Pro-Life. Thank You! #Grace #Bondage #Salvation
Becoming Confident In Your Salvation | What Is Hidden So That I Might See?

הכנת אוויר פתוח

President of Peru Arrived | Catholic Leaders Shut Out the Kingdom of God from People
Angry Crowd Gathers in Lima, Peru | Speaking Against Idolatry of Catholicism | Souls Received Grace

Angry Crowd Gathers in Lima, Peru | Speaking Against Idolatry of Catholicism | Souls Received Grace

Street preaching souls received the truth at the end while speaking boldly against the Catholic church and idolatry. The truth was spoken in boldness and love. While a Catholic priest became an enemy to the truth and a stumbling block to people, yet the truth still prevailed and the right souls heard at the right moment and were delivered from Catholicism. Souls even messaged us who received the tracts, keep them all in prayer. You will notice that no one took the tracts at the end of the catholic priest, but received ours openly. Let everything you do be led by the spirit of God regardless of opposition or praises of men. If God tells you to do it, fulfil his will with all authority and boldness with mercy and compassion. Although some souls were angry, many received the truth! 🔹Acts 17:16 Now while Paul waited for them at Athens, his spirit was stirred in him, when he saw the city wholly given to idolatry. We do not need to confess our sins to a priest, but to Jesus/Yeshua and God. As Todd said at the end "Did a priest die for you? Did I die for you? Or did Jesus die for you?" No necesitamos confesar nuestros pecados a un sacerdote, sino a Jesús/Yeshúa y a Dios. Como dijo Todd al final: "¿Murió un sacerdote por ti? ¿Morí por ti? ¿O Jesús murió por ti?" ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ We also Thank You for being a part of our family, and we welcome you! You are welcome to visit us at You can check out our Facebook page and follow up with updates on all three social media accounts. Facebook at @oceanwaveministry Twitter at @oceanwavemin Instagram at @seeworldtruth & @oceanwaveministries You are also welcome to send checks or letters to 951 20th St Suite 8671, Denver, CO 80201 and E-Mail us at You may also give generously through PayPal at which will go directly to missions and supporting many efforts in spreading the gospel of Yeshua/ Jesus as well as helping the disadvantaged and supporting and encouraging women's Pro-Life. Thank You! #Catholicism #Idolatry #LimaPeru
REPENT: Chicago, Illinois

REPENT: Chicago, Illinois

Repent Chicago, Illinois. Todd Aaron speaks, This was one of the most stubborn cities we have traveled to yet some miracles happened. May we repent and turn from our ungodly ways so that Yeshua/Jesus may heal us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Continue to go out and cast out demons, baptize, heal the sick, and deliver the afflicted in the power and authority of God while moved with truth and compassion. Many things which are not filmed but are occuring as we hope to bring encouragement to others that they may have a deeper relationship with God while bringing glory to his name and his kingdom. ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ We also Thank You for being a part of our family, and we welcome you! You are welcome to visit us at You can check out our Facebook page and follow up with updates on all three social media accounts. Facebook at @oceanwaveministry Twitter at @oceanwavemin Instagram at @seeworldtruth & @oceanwaveministries You are also welcome to send checks or letters to 951 20th St Suite 8671, Denver, CO 80201 and E-Mail us at You may also give generously through PayPal at which will go directly to missions and supporting many efforts in spreading the gospel of Yeshua/ Jesus as well as helping the disadvantaged and supporting and encouraging women's Pro-Life. Thank You! Maker of this custom instrumental in this video can be contacted at "www" #StreetPreaching #Repent #Chicago
Repent: Asheville, NC (Man Attempted Assault Arrested)

Repent: Asheville, NC (Man Attempted Assault Arrested)

Women prayed for months that Godly men would come out to this exact spot and street preach. We walked around 30 minutes before God said "here" A man was arrested for Assault amongst other charges as God was with the police, us, and the women waving the flags. Praise God for the message that went out, many heard and were listening at the restaurants around and people were thankful we were there amongst the minor persecution and resistance. This city is heavy in Witchcraft amongst other sins as it's called "The San Francisco of the East" The man arrested we had no say in the decision, The cops did. He was yelling to the cops that his name is "Satan 666". The lesbians who yelled at Todd he felt Compassion for their hurt as he wanted to say "God loves you" but God silenced him from speaking it. Pray for those who received the message. ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ We also Thank You for being a part of our family, and we welcome you! You are welcome to visit us at You can check out our Facebook page and follow up with updates on all three social media accounts. Facebook at @oceanwaveministry Twitter at @oceanwavemin Instagram at @seeworldtruth & @oceanwaveministries You are also welcome to send checks or letters to 951 20th St Suite 8671, Denver, CO 80201 and E-Mail us at You may also give generously through PayPal at which will go directly to missions and supporting many efforts in spreading the gospel of Yeshua/ Jesus as well as helping the disadvantaged and supporting and encouraging women's Pro-Life. Thank You! Maker of this custom instrumental in this video can be contacted at "www" #StreetPreaching #Asheville #NorthCarolina
Houston, TX Street Preaching Warning | Lives Were Changed

נבואות ואזהרות

JUDGEMENT: Visions and Preparation for Believers (America, Russia, Communism)

JUDGEMENT: Visions and Preparation for Believers (America, Russia, Communism)

TA shares a few visions and dreams from a few years ago about a coming judgment on America, India, Israel, United Kingdom and across the world that will trigger war across the earth and nations. He seen the involvement in the middle east with America years ago and the coming signs of judgement for people failed to remove their love of idols, money, materialisms, works of their hands, and sins. Though the churches appear to be in revival, there is a false one where a majority of the church is prepped and ready to follow the Anti-Christ/Beast. While the true church revival will be in the homes and streets. God is warning! Let your security and trust be in him, not the world. How can we prepare? You are welcome to visit us at You can check out our Facebook page and follow up with updates on all three social media accounts. Facebook at @oceanwaveministry Twitter at @oceanwavemin Instagram at @seeworldtruth & @oceanwaveministries You are also welcome to send checks or letters to 951 20th St Suite 8671, Denver, CO 80201 and E-Mail us at You may also give generously through PayPal at which will go directly to missions and supporting many efforts in spreading the gospel of Yeshua/ Jesus as well as helping the disadvantaged and supporting and encouraging women's Pro-Life. Thank You! #judgement #prophecy #vision
The Shocking Truth About How to Prepare in Global Uncertainty | Why in Dark Times There Is Light

The Shocking Truth About How to Prepare in Global Uncertainty | Why in Dark Times There Is Light

Hi, thanks for watching our video about The Shocking Truth About How to Prepare in Global Uncertainty | Why in Dark Times There Is Light! Just in time for Shavuot (Pentecost)! In this video we’ll walk you through: - What To Do - How To Live - What To Expect - Who Is Ready? An outpouring of the spirit is coming soon to all like never before who overcome the world by the power of God keeping their lamps full of the holy spirit oil. TIMESTAMPS 0:00 Intro 1:00 Nation Will Rise Against Nation 1:37 Hearts Will Fail with Fear Yet Look Up! 1:50 United Nations Speaks Peace & Safety 3:10 Could It Be a Nuke? 3:35 Who Will Not Overcome but Think That They Will? 3:57 Who Will Be Invited? 4:20 Economy Will Collapse in a Single Day? 4:45 The Ancient History of Oil and Lamps 6:00 Will He Find This on The Earth? 6:50 Famine, Pestilence, War 7:00 Silence Will Occur 7:12 What Have We Done? 7:58 Russia, China, Iran Alliance 8:30 Witchcraft and LGBTQ 9:00 What Do You Desire? 9:55 God Reveals All to The Prophets 10:24 A Warning To All Religious Leaders 10:59 I Have Warned and Prophesied 11:15 Will We Have Victory? 11:50 Government and Organizations Will Exhaust Resources 12:18 Warned of Inflation and Rising Gas Prices 12:30 Predicted Baby Formula Shortage and CBDC and Crypto Rising 12:43 Businesses and Corporations Will Be Shaken Up 12:50 People Will Go to Church and Preach Yet Remain Blind 13:10 An Enemy is Rising, Yet There Is Hope 13:50 Always Be Ready, Not Anxious 14:14 The Restoration 14:49 How Can I Be Ready? 15:33 The Question Remains 16:05 Outro ABOUT OUR CHANNEL Our channel is about End Times. We cover lots of cool stuff such as News, Biblical Teachings and Prophetic Teachings Check out our channel here: Don’t forget to subscribe for viral and trending videos! CHECK OUT OUR OTHER VIDEOS READ PROPHECIES FIND US AT GET IN TOUCH Contact us on FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL! Facebook: oceanwaveministry Instagram: seeworldtruth & oceanwaveministries Spotify: #global #trending #viral
WARNING: The Coming Judgement

WARNING: The Coming Judgement

Warning to America and the nations. REPENT! God has been full of grace, yet we still don't fully turn to him. His face is against the wicked, the lawless, the idolators, and sexually immoral. REPENT so you may be safe on the day of wrath! No man knows the time or hour. Wake Up to the sound of the Shofar! The judgement on America will have an echo effect in the whole world. Every nation will be impacted I'm the days ahead! Repent! Your houses, cars, gold, silver, money, luxury, comfort, clothing, elegance, beauty, entertainment, sports, shopping, greed, immorality, lust, jobs, masks, etc will not save you in the days ahead! YOU MUST BE BORN AGAIN FROM ABOVE! MEANING DIE TO THIS WORLD AND LIVE FOR THE HOLY SPIRIT! NO LONGER SHOULD THIS WOULD FASCINATE YOU OR ANY LOVE IN IT! Evidence of salvation is obedience which bears fruit. Repent. You are welcome to visit us at You can check out our Facebook page and follow up with updates on all three social media accounts. Facebook at @oceanwaveministry Twitter at @oceanwavemin Instagram at @seeworldtruth & @oceanwaveministries You are also welcome to send checks or letters to 951 20th St Suite 8671, Denver, CO 80201 and E-Mail us at You may also give generously through PayPal at which will go directly to missions and supporting many efforts in spreading the gospel of Yeshua/ Jesus as well as helping the disadvantaged and supporting and encouraging women's Pro-Life. Thank You! #warning #judgement #prophecy

לימודים אנו גם תומכים

Mountain Lake

One For


Palm Trees Beach View

Rabbi Greg Hershberg

Fog and Nature

Pastor David Wilkerson

Surfers on the Beach

Leonard Ravenhill

Palm Trees

Tree of Life


Vídeos en español

Angry Crowd Gathers in Lima, Peru | Speaking Against Idolatry of Catholicism | Souls Received Grace

Angry Crowd Gathers in Lima, Peru | Speaking Against Idolatry of Catholicism | Souls Received Grace

Street preaching souls received the truth at the end while speaking boldly against the Catholic church and idolatry. The truth was spoken in boldness and love. While a Catholic priest became an enemy to the truth and a stumbling block to people, yet the truth still prevailed and the right souls heard at the right moment and were delivered from Catholicism. Souls even messaged us who received the tracts, keep them all in prayer. You will notice that no one took the tracts at the end of the catholic priest, but received ours openly. Let everything you do be led by the spirit of God regardless of opposition or praises of men. If God tells you to do it, fulfil his will with all authority and boldness with mercy and compassion. Although some souls were angry, many received the truth! 🔹Acts 17:16 Now while Paul waited for them at Athens, his spirit was stirred in him, when he saw the city wholly given to idolatry. We do not need to confess our sins to a priest, but to Jesus/Yeshua and God. As Todd said at the end "Did a priest die for you? Did I die for you? Or did Jesus die for you?" No necesitamos confesar nuestros pecados a un sacerdote, sino a Jesús/Yeshúa y a Dios. Como dijo Todd al final: "¿Murió un sacerdote por ti? ¿Morí por ti? ¿O Jesús murió por ti?" ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ We also Thank You for being a part of our family, and we welcome you! You are welcome to visit us at You can check out our Facebook page and follow up with updates on all three social media accounts. Facebook at @oceanwaveministry Twitter at @oceanwavemin Instagram at @seeworldtruth & @oceanwaveministries You are also welcome to send checks or letters to 951 20th St Suite 8671, Denver, CO 80201 and E-Mail us at You may also give generously through PayPal at which will go directly to missions and supporting many efforts in spreading the gospel of Yeshua/ Jesus as well as helping the disadvantaged and supporting and encouraging women's Pro-Life. Thank You! #Catholicism #Idolatry #LimaPeru


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